Friday, May 20, 2011

The Power of Music

As a little girl, I remember standing at the microphone to sing my very first solo. Butterflies were taking flight inside of my stomach but I was excited. I did not know it at the time, but singing would become one of my greatest passions. My wonderful mom was the person who gave me a start down this path. I was about nine years old when she gave me the idea to sing my first solo in church. I'm so grateful for her encouragement and inspiration.

Since that time, I have had the opportunity to sing and perform a lot and I am so very grateful for that. I know that God has helped me along the way. Singing and music are things that I feel way down deep. I feel as if they pull a hold of my soul and take me into another world. Music is the universal language. I believe that the right kind of music can reach even the hardest and saddest of hearts.

Good music can bring us closer to God. I believe that heaven is full of music. Throughout my life, I have been able to use music to share what I believe to be true. The song in this video is a duet that I sang with my friend Chathum Nielson. We were in the vocal/fireside group called "From the Heart" and this song was one of the songs on our CD for the semester. I hope that you enjoy it and really listen words and feel the Spirit. Like I said, I believe music can bring us closer to God.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, you have such a beautiful voice! I loved hearing you sing in church and I love hearing your voice in that video!
