Sunday, January 29, 2012

Time Spent Towards Progress

Life is very busy for both Jaren and I. I'm doing 40 hours a week between my internship and job and then I'm taking 8 credits on top of that. Jaren is still spending about 70-80 hours on school each week and on a basketball team. Somehow between the two of us we are able to keep our apartment semi-clean and are still able to spend quality time with each other and our families. It sure does get stressful at times and so I love having a Saturday morning to just chill. Life is sure is good though.

Jaren and I just had a really good conversation about "time spent towards progress" (using Jaren's words). I hope that I am using my time in a way that will help me progress spiritually, academically, physically, emotionally etc. We got caught up in this conversation after Jaren shared a quote with me from Elder Richard G. Scott about how sometimes we get caught up in things that are not worth our time, even though they aren't bad, that will keep us away from things of more importance. They will keep us away from spending our time doing things that will help us progress in different areas of our lives.

I hope that some part of this makes sense. It has been on my mind tonight and so I wanted to share.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Our Very Beginnings

I was going through some old videos and found this one. I made this video for Jaren before we got engaged. It brings back good memories of our very beginnings :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Top 11 of 11'

I saw this idea on another blog and I thought it was cute. 2011 was a great year and so I thought that I would share our top 11 of 11'!

11. Jaren and I attended our first professional sports game. This past summer we went to a Diamondbacks baseball game. We picked up To-Go Applebee’s food and then headed to the game where we saw a grand slam! We thoroughly enjoyed it.  

10. We participated in black Friday for our first time together. And we became fans of it! We waited in line for 3 ½ hours (playing games, talking) and in the end we left with what we wanted.

9. Jaren went skiing for the first time in over 10 years. He did awesome! I absolutely love to ski and so I was so glad that we could go together. We hope to go more this year. 

8. We ran our first race. I talked Jaren into running a 5K with me and we both really liked it. I plan on upping the mileage of my races as I continue to train. My sister, Stephanie, has become my running buddy J

7. One of my best friends, Kelli, left on her mission back in January to Ireland. I sure do miss her but am so proud of her.  

6. Jaren completed his internship. He did his internship at a place called Doctor’s Fitness Center and he learned so much. This knew knowledge has changed our lives… literally. Our eating and exercise habits are different now and it is great!  
5. I started a new job. I started working as a Psychosocial Rehabilitation Worker in September and I love it. It feels good to help teenagers one-on-one to improve their lives.

4. We had a summer from a dream in Phoenix AZ. We moved down to Phoenix for four months when Jaren did his internship. We absolutely loved it. The people we met and the lessons we learned will always be in our hearts.  

3. I finished my first semester of graduate school. I am getting a masters degree in Social Work and it has been great. I love social work and learning and so this program has been perfect. 

2. My smarty-pants husband found a deep love for physics. It is one of his passions. His mind blows me away. He loves physics so much that he has even thought of going on to get a PhD in Physics instead of going to medical school. He loves it.  

1. I graduated from BYU-Idaho. I got my bachelors degree in social work in April. I still miss BYU-Idaho but I am so proud to be a graduate from that amazing university.