Friday, November 2, 2012

Little Window to Heaven

It took Jaren and I about 8 months to get pregnant. Compared to some people that is not very long, but in our sphere of experience, it was a while. After doing some tests at the doctor, I was put on a prescription called Clomid. Clomid helps with ovulation. We were blessed to get pregnant on my first month of taking Clomid. This pregnancy has been a blessing. Although it isn't all roses (especially when I'm sitting up in bed at 3:00 am in pain from my stomach muscles and ligaments stretching), feeling this baby move inside of me is one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced. Jaren can now feel the baby move with his hand on my belly. His face lights up every time.

Jaren and I had been married for almost 3 years before we began trying to start our family. Although we were always excited to start our family, we didn't feel that it was the right time until about 3 years later. I'm grateful for God's hand in our lives and for the promptings that we felt.

About 9 months after we were married, I wrote this poem. It was about our future child. It is crazy that the baby that I wrote this for so long ago, is now growing inside of me.

Little Window to Heaven

I have not been able to meet you yet,

But I already feel a strong love.

It seems that it should be impossible,

To love someone who is still above.
I cannot wait to see your small smile,

I want to soothe your sweet little cry.

I hope I’ll be all you need me to be,

I will do my very best, I will try.

Which of my mannerisms will you have?

I hope that you have your daddy’s eyes.

Will we as your parents be seen in you?

We’ll learn from your example if we’re wise. 

You will be our window into heaven,

We will see our Savior through you.

I love you and can’t wait for our union,

I promise you this, it is true.

          -- Sarah W. Dickey


  1. Oh I love your blog!!!!:) That poem is amazing!!!! I am so excited for you!

  2. Beautiful! Congrats to you guys!! Can't wait to see some pregnancy pictures!
